Thought: The Lord’s Table Is Inherently Special
I have heard a phrase along the lines of, “We don’t take Communion every week because then it becomes less special.” Or, “To keep it special.”
Makes my blood boil, quite honestly, and it should make yours boil too regardless of your view of what is happening at the Lord’s Table. Whether you are a Catholic or a Full Zwinglian, the Lord’s Supper is inherently and infinitely special.
To say that we must take it less frequently to “keep it special” is a man-centered and driven act. No matter what view you take on what is happening at the Lord’s Table, you are saying that the Christ is less special because people will not recognize how special it is. Christ is not a piece of currency with value that only comes to what we agree it to be. Christ Himself is of infinite value. Even if you take a memorial view, you still acknowledge that He declares these to be representations of His body and blood. Is it then less special if people fail to recognize its value?
Analogies fail because God is the only inherently valuable thing in existence, with man having inherent value by extension. Let’s say for argument that a 10 carat diamond were inherently valuable and not just valuable by agreement. If you hand it to a baby, the baby does not care. Does that mean it is less special a thing? Not at all.
By delaying or spreading out our taking of the Lord’s Supper in order to avoid becoming to familiar with it, we only expose our own disinterest in the glory of God revealed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Enough.